Professor Josef Machacek

Vice-Rector for Development







8th November 2004


Dear Dr Reichert,


We have received a copy of the letter by Professor Hlavac (CTU Academic senate member) sent to you last week. We have always appreciated active attitude of Professor Hlavac to important questions and problems of CTU. On the other hand some of his deductions are questionable and often ruled by his rather special opportunities within his department (Department of cybernetics), due to preferred domain of this specialization in current science.


The six Analytical Reports (prepared by Academic Senate Committee under Professor Hlavac leadership) mentioned in his letter were widely published within CTU and discussed by leadership of CTU, leaderships of Faculties, senate and scientific board for many months. Nevertheless, it has to be noted that most of the issues given in these Reports were generally known and included either in long-term strategic plan or its actualizations. As such the Reports have primarily become an excellent opportunity to evoke the discussion among academic staff.


However, in his letter from 4th November Professor Hlavac claims also conclusions which are not correct:


T1) Within last two years a great effort resulted in new bachelor programmes of biomedical engineering, under intensive progress are new master programmes of management in industry, master programmes of biomedical engineering and master programmes in chemistry, all envisaged to be accredited and start next year.


T2) There is long lasting effort to decrease the drop out of the first year students. This is anticipated to be reached by prepared measures concerning higher care of these students and adaptation of study system.


T3) Entirely wrong is claim about continuation of study programme scope in two-tier system. This system started in CTU 1 year ago and, therefore, the students are in there 2nd year. Nobody can claim that all off them continue in master programmes as they have not reached it yet.


T7) CTU has many long-life education programmes. Nearly all departments prepare one-off or regular seminars or even one/two-semester programmes. It is hardly understandable not to be informed about brochure of these CTU activities.


R1) Promotion of excellent researchers and research group within CTU is done each year by extraordinary awards and considerable bonuses to approx. 40 individuals and 20 research teams.


R2) The tradition within CTU is to do industrial research and technology progress for practice in the frame of direct contracts with industry. Therefore, the form of spin-off companies was not common in this country and is just under progress – one such company (close to professor Hlavac) has just emerged.


R4) Members of Scientific council are top researchers of CTU and from other prominent Czech research bodies. Aside from necessary procedures concerning professorship procedures, scientific awards etc., there is enough space for strategy and discussion. Such discussion is often started by Rector or Vice-Rector, unfortunately rarely by council members.


H1) Responsibility of acting management is to create good environment for young and talented people, hardly to appoint them into managerial positions.      


H4) To criticize office staff is easy, but clerks are just employees and not academic staff. CTU is preparing management information system to overcome some problems with internal evaluation by using a row of CTU quality indicators.


O1) Question of quality in education and research is one of the main issues and discussed for at least two years. The new steps were presented at Rector’s gremium and discussed – why it was said CTU has no policy?  


Even other items are questionable, e.g. claim at O4) about not existing survey of CTU graduates. Results of the last such survey, done in 2003 with about 1 350 of graduates (after distribution of 5 000 questionnaires) was published in CTU Annual Report 2003.


Finally we conclude with rather unpleasant feeling as if trying to interfere into your discussion with Professor Hlavac but with responsibility to bring up the things correctly.


With kind regards


Prof. Josef Machacek